Sunday, December 9, 2007

Aaron's B-day Pizza Party!

Aaron decided that he wanted to have a pizza making party this year for his birthday. So, we invited our brother and sister-in-law and their kids and some of Aaron's biology friends over on Friday night. We had a great turn out and got to taste some different types of pizzas. The birthday boy had lots of fun. We found out that we can heat our entire house with just the oven. Aaron's actual birthday is on Monday the 10th, so it has kind of been a weekend celebration. I took him out for a dinner of Indian food on Saturday night and we thought the different plates of food we ordered were good. Gramps came up to watch the kids for us and when we got back, we had birthday cake with him. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY!!


Anonymous said...

WOW, Aaron,
Great pizza flipping. You're ready for the big time. Send in your picture with your resume to Papa Murphy's, etc. :) The description of the variety of pizzas during our phone call made me think of Ratouille (the newest film on my favorite list--looking forward to watching it with the family). YUM, YUM

Mama bee said...

Thanks for having us over. Cora sure enjoyed watching Connor (and possibly getting new ideas for mischief...uh oh!). We had fun. Happy Birthday Aaron!