Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Alison's Birthday Party!!

We went down to Thomas and Alison's to join the celebration of her birthday. Aaron and I thought it was really fun, especially since we haven't seen the Zaugg's for a while. All the grandkids are growing like weeds. It is funny, I have a hard time grasping the idea that Hailey, Kaden and Kinley are growing up, so to see all their cousins and EVERYONE growing up, it was one of those "Oh my gosh!" moments!! Anyway, we had a great time and it was nice to be able to visit with Alison's parents and hear how happy they are to be back home with their family. I love you Alison and hope you had a ROCKIN' birthday!

1 comment:

Allie said...

Thanks Amy, I had a great Birthday, and I am glad that you guys were able to come...thanks, it meant a lot!