Wednesday, August 26, 2009


We went to Lagoon a couple weeks ago with family and most of the time I stayed with my sister in law, Alison and my neice, Kinley in Kiddieland and watched Kinley and Connor ride the rides. Aaron and I did a few of the roller coasters, but mostly he went on them with Callan. Okay, when I was in high school and even college back when, all the rides seemed fun, or I'm starting to realize that the particular boyfriend that I had when I went there, and that does include Aaron. I was just enjoying his company and didn't really pay attention to the rides. Now, before any of you start thinking, "Well, Aaron must not be that enjoyable", stop right there, Aaron and I rode on rides, but we had kids with us and being the parents, we were not about to make out in front of our sons. And, I know all of you are gasping because I said "make out" on my blog. But when you go to an amusement park with a boyfriend, you hold hands and kiss quite frequently, so ya, Aaron and I paid more attention to our kids. Anyway, it was noisy, dirty, and just annoying because you are around other people that you don't know that are even more annoying. We got off the water ride called Rattlesnake Rapids and we were all DRENCHED and as we were exiting the ride, I overheard some girl say "Oh my gosh is my hair going to get wet, because I will die if it does, my hair is my life." Okay, I'm sorry, but you are at Lagoon in 90-100 degree weather and you are sweating and then you are in line for a water ride, really, how stupid are people that they think they are going to stay pretty! I had my hair in a ponytail, and by the time we left, my clothes were sticking to me from a combination of sweat and water and my hair was FRIZZED out all over! Anyway, I want to clarify that I had a very enjoyable time with the family, but either I'm too old to go to Lagoon anymore or I just need to go with Aaron alone or with other adults. I am not asking anyone for their opinion on this latter question. lol
Now, to speed up to yesterday. I went to an Elementary School, a Middle School and a College and basically got to see my whole life flash before my eyes! I always try to have the attitude that I am young at heart, but it was a interesting realization to me that life happens and you just go with it, whether you like it or not and whether you are thinking about it or not!

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